Nearly every woman I have ever trained has expressed some concern about becoming bulky from lifting weights. I think it’s safe to say that it would be a fairly traumatic experience for most ladies to roll out of bed one morning and look in the mirror only to realize they have woken up looking like […]
Continue readingI think it’s safe to say that most women who are training in the gym regularly and following a nutrition plan are doing so with the intention of increasing strength and fitness, toning muscles, loosing and fat and generally improving health. Once you get away from the most simple concepts like “you must be in […]
Continue readingA toned tummy is one of the most sought after training outcomes when I discuss goals with the women I train. Whenever I am doing a personal training session with one of my trainees and I say we’re doing a “core” exercise it’s definitely an element of my programming where more often than not, I […]
Continue readingI don’t think I’m being too controversial here by saying that women definitely hold more emotional attachment to the weighing scales than men. It’s almost this notion that a lb of scales weight lost is a lb closer to the ideal figure. But despite weighing scales being the method that many use to measure progress […]
Continue reading*Disclaimer* I am a man and do not have a menstrual cycle. Therefore I have no practical experience of what I am about to discuss. However, female physiology is something I have committed a lot of my up-skilling to for quite some time now so I feel like I may be able to provide some […]
Continue readingThe lady you see in the picture with me is Rebecca. We’ve been training together for 5 years now which makes her my longest term and most loyal client (we go way back to when I was finding my personal training feet at Ben Dunne Sandyford!). To say she is far more than just a “client” […]
Continue readingWomen and Men’s metabolism differs from each other in relation to the absolute amounts / percentages of carbs and fats we use during rest and exercise – Mens metabolism favors carbohydrate use during training and favors fat during rest – Women’s metabolism varies depending on what stage of the menstrual cycle they are at, but […]
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